Neighbours of the flat said they heard the teenager screaming in pain and crying: “No. The gang members burned his hands with a lighter and stabbed him with a needle he was told contained heroin, saying: “You’ll be a smack head by the end of the day.' Jurors at Guildford Crown Court were told on Friday (July 22) the teenager was then driven to a flat in Weybridge, Surrey, stripped naked and held prisoner in a bedroom. The men, allegedly including Agon Metrama, 21, of Garlinge Road, chased the then 17-year-old victim Abdulrahman Hassan along a pavement in Ashford, Middlesex, before bundling him into a car in front of shocked pedestrians. A Kilburn member of a drugs gang helped chase a terrified teenager down the street before kidnapping him and torturing him at a flat, a court heard.